Welcome to the 2020 Student Gallery!

Read Fort Worth has a goal for 2025: to ensure that all students can read on grade level by third grade. 

After learning about this goal, I asked myself and fellow writing tutors:

- What if, to get students excited about reading, we let them tell the stories that they want to hear?
- What if we create a space free from judgement in which each student can explore their imagination and voice?
- What if we celebrated their voices by ensuring their work would become published?

We all know that good writers are good readers...

Thus the Write On! summer pilot program was born.

Check out our favorites from 2020!

What was our impact on literacy?

2020 Summer Learning Analysis data showed that the Write On! pilot program contributed to a 43% increase in literacy skills among program participants.

How did we feel about that? Can you say "dance party"?

Read more in this Bright Spots article to learn about our Summer Collaborative partners and how we launched a new writing program amid a global pandemic.

Curious to learn more?

If you'd like to learn more about the origin of this program or are just a fellow data geek and want to see what we uncovered about the state of writing in Fort Worth, take a look through the 2020 Summer Scholars Write On! Pilot Program Report below.

Thank you to all who made our Summer of 2020 possible!

International Coaching Week! (7)