Welcome to the Summer of 2022: Podcasts & Poetry!
This summer's Writing on the Walls program will begin on Monday, July 25, 2022, and end on Friday, August 12, 2022. We will meet virtually on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week.
3rd - 5th grade meets from 10:00 am - 11:30 am
6th - 12th grade meets from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Each participant should have the following tools for these workshops:
- Computer or tablet with which to meet virtually and;
- A portable recording device, such as a cell phone or tablet, that can record and transfer mp4 files
Students will:
- Explore the elements of storytelling;
- Learn about different styles of storytelling for podcasts;
- Dive into the wonder of audio and its ability to enhance written work;
- Apply storyboarding and visual elements to organizing written content;
- Be supported in finding and downloading the appropriate audio editing software and housing such audio online;
- Create, write, and produce a unique podcast that will be presented to the larger community
All participants will have their podcasts published and featured in an interactive, immersive art exhibition. This year we have partnered with Arts Fort Worth and will host an artist's reception on
- Friday, October 7, 2022 from 6 - 9 pm
The exhibition will be open and available to the public from October 7th - 29th and all work will be featured on this website for the foreseeable future.